Go Study Australia

Are you about to come to Australia on a Student Visa, Working Holiday or Work & Holiday but you still don’t know where to stay?

There are so many accommodation choices for students in Australia, and this video will explain some of the most popular, and compare their strengths and weaknesses. Check our advice on finding suitable accommodations like hostels Airbnb, student residence… Contact Go Study for help securing your accommodation, so you can sleep safe and secure when you arrive in Australia.


So, you’ve made the decision to come live, work, or study in Australia, but you don’t know where to live. Don’t worry, Go Study Australia is here to help. We help thousands and thousands of people every year find awesome accommodation in Australia so they can reach their dreams and have an amazing experience.

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Your first accommodation in Australia

So, you’ve made the decision to come live, work, or study in Australia, but you don’t know where to live. Don’t worry, Go Study Australia is here to help. We help thousands and thousands of people every year find awesome accommodation in Australia so they can reach their dreams and have an amazing experience.

So let’s talk about some of the options that you should be looking at. For me, I would recommend, number one, check out a website called gumtree.com. It’s our most famous website for accommodation. It’s kind of a bit like Craigslist in America. It’s like an online classifieds. There are hundreds and hundreds of accommodations being posted here every single day, and it’s really useful to go check out.

Number two, of course, the world’s most famous accommodation website is Airbnb. If you want to set yourself up for when you land, just jump on Airbnb, s-, find a place that you like, whether it be Bondi Beach or in St. Kilda in Melbourne. Stay there, see if you like it, and then move on.

Number three, is if you’re looking for a more permanent-style accommodation, check out a website called flatmates.com.au. This is where people pay to advertise that they have a room, so it’s full of more serious applications, and you’re generally going to find a more higher-quality apartment there.

Hello, I am Simon

I’m part of the Go Study Australia family and I am here to help you.
You can contact me here for any doubts!

Number four is a good old hostel or backpackers. If you’re keen on meeting other people, having a real great community experience, check out hostels like the YHA hostel that have hostels all over Australia. Whether you want to have a shared room with eight other people, or you want to get a private room, hostels are generally located in convenient locations, they’re safe, they’re clean, and above all, they are fun.

Number five is professional student accommodation. These generally come in two types. The first kind is very high-quality, professional accommodation, very expensive, generally designed for people who are studying at university and need their own study space. They have gymnasiums, they have movie theaters. But you’re going to be paying around $500 a week for a very small room.

The other option is a more relaxed style of student accommodation. This is where a professional company might rent out a house or apartment and manage it as a student accommodation, or they might take over an old backpackers hostel and turn it into something a little bit more professional. Talk to us at Go Study if you’re interested in these, as they’re one of the accommodation options that we recommend, and there’s lots of them in Australia.

But if you were to ask me or anyone at Go Study, I would say it’s hard to commit without actually seeing the accommodation yourself. Our advice is don’t book more than four weeks without having actually inspected the accommodation and making sure you’re happy with the area, the quality of the accommodation, and the people [inaudible 00:02:27].

If you travel with Go Study, we’ll set you up with generally four weeks of accommodation first while you’re overseas to make sure that you feel safe and secure in a nice, comfortable place. This will give you the opportunity to then explore other options like Airbnbs, like backpackers, or even flatmates.com to find your perfect accommodation. Use Go Study’s accommodation providers as your landing pad. We know the operators. We know they’re safe, they’re clean, and they’re responsible. It will allow you to land in Australia, get yourself set up, and then find your perfect place for your next year, three years, five years in Australia.

We’ll see you down under.