Go Study Australia

Stay Longer in Australia

If you are thinking about finding the right path to stay longer on your own, this article is for you.

International travellers and students find Australia a very attractive place for immigration. Australia has a stable and open economy, attractive career choices and compensation, highly rated infrastructure, multicultural society and stunning landscapes that are appealing for those looking to stay longer and even become a permanent resident. Can you get the highly desired permanent resident visa? Is it easier to find a pathway with a Student Visa?

All of these visa related questions are common between travellers, student visa holders and migrants in general. This is why we created the Ultimate Guide for Visas in Australia, so you can choose the most suitable option and keep enjoying this beautiful country. 

Learn about costs, duration, processing times, requirements, and pros & cons for15 different types of visas to stay in Australia as much as you want!

We have compiled a list of popular visas that you can get in order to stay longer in Australia, from the Student visa to the Partner visa. We will outline the cost, length, processing time, requirements, restrictions, pros and cons, and alternatives. But before that, we will answer the most common questions regarding visas:


What kind of visas are there for Australia?

There are many types of visas and they are grouped in these categories:

• Visitor visas
• Studying and training visas
• Family and partner visas
• Working and skilled visas
• Refugee and humanitarian visas
• Other visas
• Repealed visas

You can check the entire list here: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder

How do I get an Australian visa?

All passport holders who are not Australian or New Zealand citizens must apply for a visa. You can apply for most visas online. Some of the requirements you will need to fulfil include:

• evidence of sufficient funds;
• skills and qualification assessments;
• health insurance;
• police checks;
• English proficiency.

Some visas also require you to have an Australian bank account already opened.

How much does an Australian visa cost?

The government fees for a visa application range in price, depending on your own personal circumstances and the subclass of visa you are applying for. The total government fee can be anything from $405 AUD for a training visa to over $4,000 AUD for some skilled visas. An Australian student visa costs $710 AUD and a working holiday visa costs $635 AUD.

Prices are subject to change. You can use the official visa cost calculator here: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/visa-pricing-estimator

How many years does an Australian visa last?

The duration of the visa depends on the subclass.

The length varies from 3 months to 5 years, some visas may lead to a permanent stay. These are the most common visa types and their duration:

• Student Visa – Up to 5 years
• Working Holiday and Work & Holiday – 1 year
• Partner Visa – Permanent
• Employer Sponsorship – Up to 4 years
• Skilled visa – Up to 4 years or permanent
• Temporary Graduate visa – Up to 4 years

Please note that everyone’s pathway is different, and you will need to talk to a registered migration agent to give you personalized advice.

Contact Go Study, and we can set you up with one of our trusted migration partners to get you started.

Now that you know a little more about the basics, you are ready to go visa-picking and choose the right option for you.


What are the requirements for a student visa in Australia?

We have listed a few of the basic requirements that are necessary to study in Australia. A prospective student must prove they are a Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) and generally must provide:

• Prior to an Australian student visa application, an applicant must receive Confirmation of Enrollment from the school or university. 
• Prove English Proficiency undertaking specific tests such as IELTS, TOEFL or CAE for vocational or higher education courses.
• A Statement of Purpose as to why they wish to study in Australia. 
• Health Checks depending on your country of origin or residence. 
• Evidence of Financial Capacity to support yourself in Australia. 
• Acceptable Overseas Student Health Cover(OSHC).

Go Study provides FREE expert support in navigating the student visa process. Contact us today if you need assistance in getting your application submitted.

How much does a student visa cost in Australia?

The current fees charged by the Australian Government in order to apply for a Student Visa (Subclass 500) are set to $710 AUD. The price is always the same no matter the length of your studies. If you extend your student visa inside Australia, you will pay the base fee of $710 AUD plus a $700 AUD extension fee for consecutive applications. So it’s best to consider booking a group of courses upfront if you think you may wish to study for a long time. This will help avoid visa extension fees.

Can you work on a student visa in Australia?

Once your course has commenced, you are permitted to work a maximum of 48 hours per fortnight when your course is in session and unlimited hours when your course is out of session. You cannot work until you have commenced your course in Australia, provided your visa has been granted.

If you want to stay longer on a student visa without the struggle of doing it by yourself, contact us and an expert advisor will support you for free during the entire process.

How long does it take to get a student visa in Australia?

The average processing time for a student visa in Australia is 1 to 4 weeks, but depending on various factors it can take up to 2 months. Many students from Go Study have their visas approved within a matter of hours.


What is the skilled occupation list?

The skilled occupation list is a list published by the Australian Government containing all the occupations that can make a traveller or a student visa holder a qualified person to work or train in an eligible skilled occupation in order to get a specific skilled visa. This list is used to determine which occupations may be eligible for visas that allow the applicant to live and work in Australia for long periods of time and even permanently.

These visas are available to individuals who are qualified to work or train in an eligible skilled occupation in Australia and can meet all other requirements. The skilled occupation lists are updated every 6 months.

What is a skilled migration visa?

A skilled migration visa allows skilled people to work and live in Australia. It is a points-based system and is the most popular visa application pathway for skilled workers. SkillSelect allows you to apply for a permanent Australian visa, such as a Skilled Independent Visa, subclass 189.

What is MLTSSL and what is STSOL?

MLTSSL is the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) and is a list that contains all the occupations eligible for long working visas that might lead to permanent residency. STSOL is the Short-term Skilled Occupation List, which contains skills and occupations that can lead to short term working visas (generally 2 years with a 2-year extension).

In order to get approval for these lists, workers need to prove their skill set, and their profession needs to meet the requirements of the job classifications.

What is a skilled job?

Skilled jobs are those who are linked to the occupations listed in the Skilled occupation list as defined by ANZSCO. These jobs are intended for any worker who has special skill, training, knowledge, and (usually acquired) ability in their work. A skilled worker may have attended a college, university or technical school; or a skilled worker may have learned their skills on the job. If you intend to go for a skilled job pathway, you will need to ensure your educational background matches the requirement under ANZSCO classification.

Upon advice from a qualified migration agent, Go Study will be able to help you find the most appropriate course and college.

Migration is a complex issue and the rules change regularly. Go Study is not a registered migration agent and this article is not to be taken as migration advice. We provide free administrative assistance to enrol in colleges, submit your student visa, and find success with your work/life/social goals in Australia. If you are looking for long term migration options, please speak to a registered migration agent.